Angler’s Press Outdoors is pleased to announce that Dr. Pepper will be supporting a special “Dr. Pepper High-School Series” division for the upcoming Ultimate Frog Challenge (UFC8) event going out of Russo’s Marina on July 30-31st!
How it works is simple:
- High-school teams/individuals sign-up the morning of the event beginning at 8am – at Russo’s Marina, and there is NO ENTRY FEE required for High school teams to participate
- High-school teams must declare - at registration, what High-School they will be representing
- All registered High-school teams will receive a ticket for a free Tri-Tip BBQ lunch courtesy of Gone Fishin’ Marine in Dixon
- High-schoolers fish as a team - but if you have no team partner, you can still participate as an “individual” to represent your school
- High-school teams/individuals can fish either Saturday or Sunday – or both days, but only one single fish per day can be brought to the scales
- The High-school team/individual, with the single biggest fish weighed-in over 2 days will be declared the Ultimate Frog Challenge – Dr. Pepper Youth Champion!
So, for example, if you catch a 3 pounder on day 1, and a 4 pounder on day 2, ONLY THE HEAVIEST FISH - the 4 pounder, will count
- The winning team/individual will receive $200 cash, custom trophies, Dr. Pepper “swag gifts”, and a special “heavy cover” frog rod worth $150.00
- All registered Hi-School teams will receive a special tackle box with R2Sea tackle, and Trigger-Happy Comfort Grips – custom made for UFC8!
And time to RUMBLE... young men RUMBLE!!! always....may the best frog win!!
Angler’s Press Outdoors