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The new Future Pro - “Top-75” WESTERN TOUR - presented by Gone Fishin’ Marine is here... and stands ready to give the “best of the best” amateur-level anglers in the west, an opportunity to build their competitive angling skills, enjoy a great tournament experience, and receive an incredible payout!

This enhanced version of the Future Pro Tour aims to raise the level of excitement, and offer new challenges to anglers, but eligibility requirements to participate will be the same as they have always been for FPT(see rules). Registration is now open so come join us for all the fun and excitement!



1.     You are NOT eligible to fish the Future Pro Top-75 if any of the following apply:

• If you have earned $10,000 or more (in cash) individually or $20,000 as part of a team - two times. Please note that money won as an amateur in Pro/Am competition or specialty events is excluded.

• If you have earned two Anglers of The Year titles in organized (non-club) pro team or amateur team competition with 60 or more boats - within one region.

• When you win your second prize boat, engine, or vehicle while fishing as a pro in any organized competition. Prizes won in specialty events such as Ram Invitational, Walmart Open, UFC, or Big Bass Challenge, etc., are excluded.

• If you have won two TOC championships in any major amateur or pro team circuit. This applies even if your championship win did not include a boat, vehicle, or engine as first prize. Note: “major” refers to organized circuits that consistently draw or average over 60 teams.

PLEASE NOTE: The Future Pro Top-75 reserves the right to determine the participation eligibility of all anglers that want to participate in Future Pro Top-75 events. Decisions regarding eligibility are at the sole discretion of the Future Pro Top-75 organization and its Tournament Competition Committee and all decisions will be final.


2.     Day of Event Check-in: You DO NOT have to come to the event trailer the morning of the event to check-in as one member of each team will receive their blast-off and weigh-in times two days prior to the event via email/text. Blast-off and check-in positions will be determined by a random draw. For safety reasons, Youth League anglers will blast off last, and come in at 2:30pm - well before the boats in the adult division comes in.

3.     Payback, Awards, Prizes: Cash paybacks, trophies, and out-of-the money prizes are posted within the payout schedule located at the bottom of the rules section., with a PURE at-the-ramp cash payback of 85% of the paid entries, paid to the TOP TEN finishers in the field. This schedule CLEARLY PROVIDES for you, what amount of money you will receive – before you leave the event. Please note that there are no options to calculate, and ONLY ONE big fish place will be paid. Trophies will be awarded to the top three finishers.

4.    Bioenno - Anglers of the Year: Will be determined by the team with the most points accumulated at the end of the year. To be eligible to win angler of the year, you must fish all five (5) FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events. Anglers of the year will receive the following:

  • AOY Commerative Award

  • Bioenno Lithium Battery


5.     5. The FUTURE PRO TOP-75 Top75 Classic championship will be a 2-day event with only the top 25 teams and 1 Wildcard team being invited to participate. Qualifiers will be determined based on the most points accumulated for 5 events. The Future Pro Top-75 has no "throw out" points, as the total for all points earned in each event fished will determine if a team falls within the top 25 “qualifying bubble” for the Future Pro Top-75 Classic Top-75 championship.

Wildcards – Only ONE Wildcard team will be invited to participate in the FUTURE Pro Top-75 Classic championship, and this Wildcard team will be selected randomly by Future Pro Top-75 sponsors or by Tournament Competition Committee officials. This Wildcard team will be drawn from the group of teams sitting in the first 5 places outside of the regular 25 teams qualifying bubble (26-30).



The entry for the FUTURE PRO TOP-75 Western Tour is $200 and includes your big fish, so there are NO OPTIONS to calculate. There is a $60 annual membership fee per angler.

Remember: Only the top twenty-five teams at the end of season, will compete in the FUTURE PRO TOP-75 two-day Classic Championship for $10,000 cash - with NO ENTRY FEE required.



FUTURE PRO TOP-75 - Classic Championship Payout

If you are one of the only 25 teams qualifying for the FUTURE PRO TOP -75 Classic Championship, NO ENTRY FEE will be required for you to participate, and a $10,000 1st Place cash prize will be GUARENTEED to the winning team.

An OPTION POT of $100 will be available to qualifiers and will be paid back to the 2-5th place finishers.


The R2Sea/Daiwa Youth Angler’s League will consist of TWO divisions with TWO age groups for youth to participate in:

·       Age group 5-11 - (Kids Division)

·       Age group 12-18 - (Junior Division)

There is NO ENTRY FEE to be part of the Youth Angler League, however, there is a $60 per year - ONE TIME membership that covers a youth for the entire season.

YAL participants cannot be over 18 years of age, and must have written permission from parents, and be approved by the tournament director prior to participation. YAL participants fish as individuals and are allowed to bring in 5 fish to the scales. YAL participants will place a special “tag” on their fish prior to coming to the scales, to help identify their limit.

If a YAL participant requires an escort to drive the boat to participate, the escort is allowed to fish, and can pay to participate in the regular FUTURE PRO TOP-75 event, but they are not allowed to assist the YAL participant - in any way (except for netting the fish), nor will their fish be included in that YAL participants limit. How To register as a Youth Angler League participant before the event, each YAL participant must register as a “YAL” participant and will receive a special Youth League dog tag.

Please note: that any YAL participant can also be on an adult team and participate in that day’s regular FUTURE PRO TOP-75 event to win the regular event’s purse, cash and prizes.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a “Pro” level angler that is ineligible to compete in FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events, you may fish with your youth, but only the fish THEY CAUGHT will be allowed to be weighed – they must catch all of the fish they bring to the scales. PLEASE REMEMBER – they must catch their fish – on their own! This is being allowed on the “honor” system.



R2Sea/Daiwa Youth Angler League - regular season event awards

5- 11-year-old (Kids) division:

The top 3 registered Youth League teams in this division with the highest weight will receive custom medals plus cash or prizes as follows:

• 1st Place: $50

• 2nd Place: $30

• 3rd Place: $20

• 4-10th Places: Prizes

12–18-year-old (Junior) division:

The top 3 registered Youth League teams in this division with the highest weight will receive custom medals plus cash or prizes as follows:

• 1st Place: $100

• 2nd Place: $75

• 3rd Place: $50

• 4-10 Places: Prizes

R2Sea/Daiwa Youth Angler League – Classic Championship Event

At the end of the season, only the top ten Youth League teams (5 from each division), will be invited to fish – on the final day of the FUTURE PRO Top-75 Classic Championship event.

All YAL qualifiers will compete on Saturday Oct 5th.


Particpation cost is $25 per angler, and both division will be combined.


Youth Angler League - Classic Championship Event awards:


1st place - $300 + custom 1st place award


2nd place - $200 cash + 2nd place custom award


3rd place - $150 cash + custom 3rd place award


The Youth Angler League payout will be based on paid entries anw will be adjusted up or down accordingly.



Youth Angler’s League – Angler of the Year

Both YAL league divisions (Kids and Junior) will receive special awards recognition for being Angler of the Year within their respective divisions. Those special awards include:

• Custom AOY commemorative jacket/hoodie

• Premium sponsor tackle









FUTURE PRO Top-75 General Rules

1. It is your responsibility, as a participant, to read and comply with all written tournament rules and know any special tournament rules, year-end qualification rights and any applicable local, state or federal rules and regulations PRIOR to each event you participate in.

2. Sportsmanship: any contestant who displays poor sportsmanship and/or violates any of these rules will be disqualified. Disorderly conduct at any official tournament or event meeting/seminar will be grounds for disqualification.

3. Participants and Eligibility: Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied or have the written permission of their parent or legal guardian while fishing any Future Pro Top-75 event.

 4. Participation: You must be a paid member in good standing to participate in any Future Pro Top-75 event. Future Pro Top-75 reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason. All points will be forfeited if your membership is not current.

5. Safety: Safe boating conduct and all safety precautions must be always observed by all contestants. Anyone fishing in a tournament must wear a Coast Guard approved flotation device any time the main engine is running. Such flotation devices must be worn and properly fastened when inspected at the checkout point. In an emergency or when safety dictates, fisherman may take their catch, get into another boat, and return to the weigh in site. All boats should be equipped with an engine shutoff or emergency " Kill " switch device. In case of an event cancellation due to unsafe conditions, five hours of the event will constitute a complete event. With less than five hours of fishing, the event in its entirety will be rescheduled. In the highly unlikely case of an act of God causing cancellation, all entry fees will automatically be transferred to the rescheduled event.

6. Fishing License: Each contestant will observe State Fish and Wildlife laws and have in his or her possession a valid state fishing license.

7. Beverages: No alcoholic beverages or drugs are allowed in the boat or to be consumed during official tournament hours prior to weigh in.

8. Boat and Motor: The tournament director reserves the right to prohibit any boat from participating in the start if such boat is considered unsafe or the operator unqualified.

9. Registration: Except for YAL participants, all event and membership fees are due – IN FULL, before the season begins.




All entry fees for the Top 75 Western Tour are due IN-FULL before Feb 18th. If your entry is not in before that time, your entire deposit will be forfieted and your spot will be replaced by another team.

Please remember to check your personal calendars, schedules, and commitments BEFORE you purchase FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events, because once you have purchased, NO REFUNDS, EXCHANGES, OR CREDITS will be given - NO EXCEPTIONS.

While we understand that situations within and beyond your control could arise and preclude you from attending the event, such as sudden work commitments, sickness, boat breakdown, unproductive pre-fishing etc., please know that due to our prepromotion expenditures, this is our STATED refund policy.

You may, if you wish to do so, give your entry to another angler to use – BEFORE THE SEASON BEGINS.

12. Confirmation: Once you have paid your entry and membership fees for the season, an email confirmation will be sent to you.

13. Checkpoints: Contestants must check in and out at the official checkpoint.

14. Drive-By Inspection: Drive by inspections will be conducted when and where facilities permit. Each boat will pass by the inspection dock, in proper order, live wells open, running lights on, aerators running, life jackets on, and engine cut off switch attached to driver. Boats that do not come by the inspection station will be disqualified.

15. On Ramp Inspection: On-ramp boat inspections will be conducted by tournament officials whenever necessary. Officials will be checking for fish, safety equipment, live bait, alcohol, etc. Every boat will be issued a special-colored ribbon to identify participants and verify that you live well has been checked. Removal of ribbon before your weigh-in could result in disqualification.

16. Running Lights must be on at blast off and until contestants arrive at their first fishing spot. This a procedural rule that is now required by our insurance company and will cause you to be sent to the end of the line and be one of the last boats out in the event.

17. Partners Must Remain Together: throughout the fishing day and may not leave the boat unless approved by a tournament official (exception: health emergencies or use of rest room facilities). A contestant may not leave for the purpose of carrying, towing, or pushing his boat or to reduce weight to improve floatability for the purpose of gaining access to fishing waters that are otherwise inaccessible. If a boat is inadvertently stuck on a sand bar you may leave the boat in an effort to regain floatability back to point of entry only. Not forward past the sand bar.

18. Permitted Fishing Methods: Only artificial lures may be used. No prepared or live bait other than pork rind strips are permitted. Only one rod may be used at one time. However, any number of rigged rods may be in the boat for substitute purposes. Trolling, as a method of fishing, is prohibited. All fish must be caught live and in a conventional angling method. All fishing must be done from a boat.

19. Sight fishing for Bedding Bass: A sight or bedding fish is defined as one that can be seen and watched as it approaches the lure. Fish being caught under these conditions must be caught by hook and line and by the fish ingesting the lure. Any bass caught that is either a "sight" or "bed" fish must be caught "hook in mouth with the hook point entering from the inside of the mouth" - and must be verified as a legal catch by the angler's in-boat partner. Any "sight" or "bed" fish caught by snagging or with hook starting from outside the mouth shall be deemed an illegally caught fish and must be released. This same fish may be caught again by the legal method - with the hook starting from inside the mouth. Any angler catching a fish under these conditions and not verifying the hook location with the other person in the boat may be disqualified from the tournament.

20. Platforms in Boat: The use of any device to raise a contestant above the normal freeboard of a boat is prohibited. This rule includes any device that is constructed to raise the contestant up to a higher position as to allow them to cast into areas that would not normally be accessible, or which would allow a contestant to see fish from a better angle.

21. Infringements/Permitted Fishing Areas: A "50-yard rule" is always in effect during competition. No contestant's boat may move within 50 yards of another contestant’s boat at any time for the purpose of fishing. A boat moving from one area to another may infringe upon this distance as long as the transient fisherman do not attempt to fish while moving. Exceptions to the 50-yard rule apply only to docks, break walls, and slough channels. Exception example 1: If you wish to fish a boat dock next to a boat dock another team is fishing, and it falls inside the 50-yard parameter, you are allowed to fish it. In all cases please be courteous. Exception example 2: If you wish to fish in a slough channel that is longer than 50 yards, and there is another team fishing inside of it, you must continue pass them 50 YARDS before you can start fishing. If you wish to fish the opposite side of the slough channel, you may do so. In all cases please be courteous.

Please note that encroachment and infringements will not be tolerated and that protests can lead to penalties and a disqualification for the offending teams.

23. Boat Control: Contestants must leave and return to the tournament weigh-in site by boat. Boats cannot be trailered from one fishing location to another during tournament hours.

24. Fish Size/Culling: Fish will be measured flat, mouth open on a Wil-E-Go belly board or a Bass-Board on the belly (dish) side, with a 13-inch minimum size. No measuring or culling inside of 5 mph buoys or the area between the check-in point and the weigh-in site will be permitted. Infractions will result in disqualification. It is YOUR responsibility to declare to the weigh master that you want to weigh a big fish - even if you only have caught one fish, BEFORE they are handed to the weigh masters. You will not be asked if you want to weigh a big fish by the weigh master. Once your bag of fish is handed to the weigh master, you will not be allowed to weigh your big fish.

25. Number of fish in Limit: No fisherman may hold in the live well more fish than the limit imposed by the event fished. For all normal points race team tournaments the limit is 5 fish per team / or 5 fish per team during each half of a split weigh-in event. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

26. Breakdowns/Emergencies: Anglers are not permitted to leave their boats nor touch another boat, except for an emergency or major equipment failure. In this case, it is permitted to be towed either to safety or back to the weigh-in area by any safe means available. You may not transport fish by land. You may only have your fished transported to the weigh-in by another tournament boat participating in the same event. At least one person must always stay with your fish and neither angler is permitted to fish while under the assistance of another boat during the breakdown period.

IMPORTANT - PLEASE TAKE NOTE: We regret that FUTURE PRO TOP-75 officials cannot be responsible for ensuring that you make it back to the weigh-in site in the case of an emergency or breakdown, as it is your sole responsibility to take the necessary precautions (i.e., cell phones/911 numbers/emergency equipment) with you BEFORE you participate in FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events to call any necessary public or private emergency services personnel.

27. Penalties: Teams who have not checked in at the official check in point on time - as noted by the official check in boat - will be deducted 1 pound for each minute late, up to 5 minutes. After which the team (s) will be disqualified. Teams that are late will be notified of this after all contestants have weighed in and scoring has been completed. All decisions on this matter by the tournament director are final. Boat and motor problems are no excuse for tardiness! Anyone weighing in fish smaller than 13- inch minimum length will lose that fish and have one pound subtracted from the remaining total weight. Any fish that appears to have been altered or mutilated, in the Tournament Director's judgment, will be deemed illegal, and one pound will be subtracted from the total weight for each such fish. The penalty in any Future Pro Top-75 event for dead fish will be progressive- (1 dead fish-.20, 2 dead fish-.40, 3 dead fish -.80, 4 dead fish-1.60, 5 or more-3.00 lbs.). Remember, it’s illegal to cull a dead fish. Entry points will not be thrown out. If any member of a team is disqualified for any reason, the entire team is disqualified. Any team disqualified from a Future Pro Top-75 event will lose all entry fees submitted.

 28. Cheating: Anyone caught cheating in any event will be disqualified from entering future events for a length of time to be determined by Future Pro Top-75's Tournament Competition Committee, and at the TCC's discretion, could possibly be banned from EVER fishing FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events. Violators may also be subject to full criminal prosecution as dictated by law. All participants in Future Pro Top-75 events may be subject to polygraph testing. Refusal to take polygraph testing will result in immediate disqualification and forfeiture of cash and/or prizes. Teams disqualified from a Future Pro Top-75 event will lose all entry fees submitted.

29. Official Boats: officials may be on the lake during contest hours and can approach or observe any contestant’s boat. Each contestant is requested to cooperate with all reasonable requests from media representatives or officials. Official boats may not be used as contestant replacement boats.

30. Live Wells: Adequate - DFW approved Live Wells are mandatory on each boat and must provide proper aeration to maintain fish in good condition, as all fish will be released alive after the weigh- in. In the case of a boat without built in live wells, a large Ice Chest with portable aerators with be acceptable upon approval by tournament director. You may be asked to show that your aerators are working.

30a. EACH TEAM IS REQUIRED to bring their own weigh-in bags, as weigh bags will not be provided by the FUTURE PRO TTop-75. If you do not have a bag at time of weigh-in, you will not be able to weigh-in your fish. You may however, purchase weigh-in bags from FUTURE PRO TOP-75 staff - at the event, for cost of $10 per bag.

31. Trophy Bass: Contestants will not retain any bass after a tournament. However, a trophy bass meeting minimum the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Commission sizes: large mouth- 10 pounds, small mouth- 6 pounds, and spotted bass-6 pounds. may be kept if designated at weigh in time as such.

32 Scoring: is determined by the total weight of each participant catch for the overall event, less any penalty for dead fish weighed in. Points are awarded to each entrant of the event up to the top 200 places. Five participation points will be awarded to all entrants of the event.

33. Lake Off-Limits: There are no off-limits period for any Future Pro Top-75 event except for the Future Pro Top-75 Classic, which is held at the end of each season. The off limits for the Future Pro Top-75 Classic will be given to each contestant prior to the event. Please call the FUTURE Pro Top-75 office for details regarding Classic off-limit periods and special rules.

34. Off-Limit Areas: All areas of the lake can be fished unless specifically announced as "off limits" by the tournament director. Always remember to remain 50 yards from any gas pumps as well as the host marina.

35. Pre-Fish: There is an open pre-fish for all regular season events. Pre-fish restrictions only apply to the year-end Future Pro Top-75 Classic Championship event.

36. Reserved Areas: No person may "hold" or "reserve" a fishing area for a contestant at any time. Infraction of this rule will result in disqualification of all parties involved.

37. Radio or phone transmission of information concerning any aspect of fishing during a tournament is allowed and communication between contestants via cell or land lines may be used.

38. Speed-Restricted Areas: No boat may pass another contestant's boat in a restricted speed zone, to gain an advantage.

39. Live Release: The contestants may be required to return the fish to the lake. Fisherman are required to handle the fish with the utmost care according to the Fish and Game guidelines (i.e., 5 pound plus fish in a separate bag). If the fish, for any reason, are not returned to the designated release area, immediate disqualification will result.

 41. Paybacks: See sample payout matrix below. Future Pro Top-75 reserves the right to substitute products advertised for prizes of equal or greater value depending on availability.

41a. Eligibility Pre-Qualification Process: To help protect the integrity of FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events regarding eligibility, all entries for participation will be evaluated by the FUTURE PRO TOP-75 office and/or Tournament Competition Committee members to determine if anglers are eligible to fish FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events. If you send in your entry fee and/or “late-sign” the morning of a FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events to participate and are deemed ineligible to fish the Tour, ONLY your entry fees will be refunded back to you. FUTURE PRO TOP-75 reserves the right to determine ALL angler/team eligibility at-the-ramp on the day of the event). Again, If you are deemed ineligible to fish FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events, you will not be allowed to participate and will receive NO compensation for your travel, time, or any other extra expense. You are REQIURED - BEFORE YOU COME TO THE EVENT, to contact the FUTURE PRO TOP-75 office if you wish to receive written or verbal confirmation of your eligibility to participate in FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events.

42. Awards/Prizes: If you cannot be present at the awards ceremony, your cash award will be mailed to you. You must be present at the awards ceremony to receive ALL product prizes. All product prizes not claimed will be given away in a random drawing or kept by Angler’s Press Outdoors. In the rare case in which your cash award cannot be given to you after the event (i.e., computer/admin failures, absences, loss, or theft of FUTURE PRO TOP-75 check book), your payment will be sent to you within 7-days following the event via USPS. *Please note - FUTURE PRO TOP-75 reserves the right to substitute all prizes - including FUTURE PRO TOP-75 Classic 1st Place prize, with prizes of equal or greater value.

43. Observer Rule: If your partner cannot compete with you for an event, you can fish the event alone. However, if you desire - and with approval of the tournament director prior to the event, you can have an observer fish with you so that you can maintain your team points. If you choose to have an observer fish with you, you must adhere strictly to the following guidelines: • Your observer cannot help you in anyway net or land your fish • They cannot drive or navigate the boat (unless for an emergency) • They cannot put any fish they catch in the live well.

43b. Team partners: You may change team partners only one time. This can only be done after the first event of the season is completed to maintain the points you earned in that first event. The next partner you choose must remain your team partner for the rest of the season, and no further changing of partners will be allowed.

44. Early Weighing in: The Future Pro Top-75 is not obligated to weigh your fish in before the designated weigh-in time – even if your fish are dying. Weighing in early is permissible only if pre-arrangements are made, agreed upon, and approved by the tournament director - prior to the start of the tournament.

45. Special Rules: The tournament director may add specifics rules when necessary. These special rules will be in effect for the length of the tournament and should not be considered regular rules but will be enforced as such during that time. Interpretation of all rules will be left exclusively to the tournament director, whose decision will be final in all matters.

46. Protests: Protests must be lodged prior to the official closing of the scales. All rulings on protests lodged, will be determined by the TCC (Tournament Competition Committee) and are final. In the case that more information regarding a protest is required by the Future Pro Top-75 director or Competition Committee members, before a decision can be rendered, prize money and/or prizes will be held back until a decision is rendered. Both affected parties by the protest, will be notified a soon as possible of the decision made, and all decisions made the FUTURE PRO TOP-75 TCC committee will be final.

47. Ties: In case of a tie for first place at the Future Pro Top-75 Classic, or for the Anglers of the Year titles, the following will break the tie - in the following order: 1. The team that caught and recorded the largest "big fish" during the regular season (for the Classic, it will be the biggest fish for that event). 2. The contestant that weighs in the most fish.

If a tie condition persists, all monies and prizes will be divided equally between the two contestants.

48. Damages and Claims: All contestants by entering a Future Pro Top-75 event waive and release the tournament officials, sponsoring organizations and owners of Angler’s Press Outdoors from all claims for injury and/or damage incurred in connection with this event.

49. Event Cancellation: In the event of emergency, or acts of God, (such as wind, rain, earthquakes, floods, fog, fire, pandemic, etc.), the Future Pro Top-75 organization reserves the right to cancel any event it deems appropriate to do so, up to and including the day and hour of the events start time. If the event tournament is cancelled, it will be rescheduled for another date, and all paid entries will be transferred to that date. No refunds will be issued. The Future Pro Top-75 is will in no way be held responsible for travel, lodging, or any other expenses related to your preparing or participating in the event. FUTURE PRO TOP-75 will make every attempt to notify participants of cancellation but cannot guarantee successful notification.

50. Release of Fish: At all events, after weigh-in, fish must be released at the designated location.


51. Dock Patrol Officials: “Dock Patrol” officials are duly deputized to make decisions regarding the order that is maintained during the weigh-in process. To this end, all participants are required follow ALL instructions given to them by designated “Dock Patrol” officials. To eliminate confusion and expedite the weigh in process, “Dock Patrol” officials will give instructions regarding which teams can proceed to the scales, organize boat slip assignments etc. For example: If you are instructed by “Dock Patrol” to keep your fish in the live well, or to stay in your boat until you are called up to the scale, you MUST comply – no exceptions, no excuses. Broken live wells, dying fish, or any other calamity, does not preclude you from following Dock Patrol instructions. Any team or team member that is reported to the tournament director for being non-compliant to instructions given by “Dock Patrol” officials may be subject to immediate disqualification of the team.

52. Contingency/Incentive Bonuses and Awards PLEASE NOTE: ALL Contingency/Incentive bonuses and award programs are subject to change, modification, and cancellation - AT ANY TIME. Please note that all incentive and bonus awards offered by the FUTURE PRO TOP-75 or listed cannot be redeemed AT ANY TIME for their cash value and are non-transferrable.

53. Belly Boats - Float Tubes - Kayaks: All of these rigs, can compete in events. Any two of these type of rigs - with one occupant, constitutes a team, and the 5 fish per team rule applies.


FUTURE PRO Top-75 Event Payout Schedule - 2024

Below is FUTURE PRO Top75’s at-the-ramp “Top-Ten” payout schedule GAURENTEED* for all regular season FUTURE PRO TOP-75 events. It is very simple, and there are no options to calculate, as it is designed to eliminate any confusion regarding how much you will receive should you fish well enough to place in the top ten.

Cash will be paid out “at the ramp” and before you leave. If you cannot stay around to receive your winnings, a check will be mailed out to you in no less than 1-week following the event.


75 Teams























Big Fish Award


*The payout listed above is GUARANTEED on a 75-boat field. IN THE EVENT the FUTURE PRO Top-75 Tour does not secure 75 teams prior to the beginning of the season, the payout schedule will be adjusted commensurate with the size of the field registered prior to the start of the 2024 season.  

