
Our FIRST FPT Top 75-Western Tour Champions...Tanner Austin and Arlando Abella, with a 27.04 pound limit! 



Place  Angler                 Angler                  BF Weight    Award
1  Abella, Arlando  Austin, Tanner 5 7.98 27.04 $5,600
2 Leber, Carson Neilson, Bret 5 20.93 $2,200
3 Stafford, James Shannon, Robert 5 5.99 20.07 $1,600
4 Vaughn, Tony  Garrett, John 5 6.24 20.04 $1,300
5 Hartmann, Brandon Moore, Scott 5 7.85 19.81 $1,100
6 Cunningham, John Cunningham, Justin 5 19.35 $1,000
7 Thurmon, Steve King, Jerry 5 4.94 19.1 $825
8 Logan, Andy Matsuoko, James 5 6.55 18.9 $750
9 Mendenhall, Mark   Aston, Greg 5 18.81 $750
10 Mansor, Robert Silvey, Brandon 5 4.06 18.29 $750
11 Thompson, Mike Byker, Dan 5 6.61 17.34
12 Brown, Wendell James Ellington 5 5.45 17.24
13 Taylor, Scott  Jeff Eddings 5 16.91
14 Jimenez, Chris Savnik, Alex 5 16.84
15 Duran, Stanley Rosenblum, Mike 5 4.42 16.8
16 Villa, Matt Henry, Mike 5 16.76
17 Ivaldi, EJ Ivaldi, Eli 5 6.87 16.49
18 Verna, Joey Regert, RJ 5 3.82 16.47
19 Abella, Matt Abella, Dan 5 16.25
20 Gritts, Westley Gritts, Christopher 5 16.21
21 Bubier, Jason Bubier, Allison 5 15.94
22 Markham, Jim  Parks, Paul 5 4.58 15.93
23 Bonino, Brad Bonino, Kim 5 15.85
24 Dettling, Bob Ehresman, Brian 5 15.66
25 Narajo, Jorge Ramos, Sam 5 15.62
26 Johnson, Jacob Borden, Lane 5 4.05 15.61
27 Johnson, Brett Preston, Jack 5 15.6
28 Robinson, Cole Wright, Logan 5 6.56 15.59
29 Golobe, Jerry Golobe, Jerry 5 5.91 15.53
30 Lopez, Fred Lopez, Eric 5 15.25
31 Oliver, Jason Hole, Don 5 15.18
32 Diamond, Brandon   Romero, Art 5 15.15
33 Van Guilder, Mike Steelman, Justin 5 3.72 15.11
34 Pezqueda, Ramon Taylor, Raymond 5 15.01
35 Meeter, Jim Tanaka, Mike 5 4.54 14.82
36 Ortiz, Rafael Flink, Bob 5 6.19 14.75
37 Sena, Jason Jose, Alex 5 14.17
38 Ryans, Robert Freeman, Josh 5 14.11
39 Merril, Troy Merrill, Brayden 5 14.07
40 Rock,Terry O'Neil, Bob 5 14.06
41 Kamerzell, Christian Kamerzell, Steve 5 13.96
42 Hunt, Tony Orbaker, Ron 5 13.86
43 Blanton, Mark  Culazzo, Pete 5 13.42
44 Moran, Travis Moran, Dylan  5 13.28
45 Juarez, Robert Malabanan, Robert 5 4.17 13.22
46 Otterness, James  Sturtevant, Dean 5 13.17
47 Gaunt, Justin Brown, Josh 5 13.13
48 Maddox, Dan Maddox, Ron 5 3.45 13
49 Ho, Hung Loung, Mui 5 12.99
50 Horn, Jeff Sargenson, Dave 5 12.91
51 Faninni, Bradley Milhous, Simon 5 4.20 12.79
52 Magill, Stephen Magill, Christian 5 12.75
53 Caddick, Mike Caddick, Madison 5 12.24
54 Castro, Eric Alcantar 5 12.15
55 Blanton, Dylan  McMullen, Kyle 5 12.11
56 King, Charlie Seaters, Mark 5 3.18 11.93
57 Allison, Jeff Hodson, Dave 5 11.83
58 Faez, Mike Segarini, Jon 5 11.68
59 Sheldon, Bruce Sheldon, Tanner 5 11.35
60 Stewart, Joe Stewart, Ian 5 11.32
61 Sanchez,Albert Kleckner, Nick 4 10.77
62 Gomez, Mike   Gomez, Victor 5 3.15 10.49
63 Himmel, John Pingree, Mike 5 10.15
64 Cervantes, Aleja Prohushdara, Keo 5 9.87
65 Bonanno, Travis Valdez, Matt 5 8.87
66 Ochoa, Adam Sanchez, Art 5 8.39
67 Pollard, Mark Pollard, Dan 4 8.3
68 Allen, Michael Allen, Jordan  2 6.19
69 Scanlan, Darren Scanlan, Nick 2 6.07
70 Vinci, Ryan Martin, Jeff 3 5.98
71 Higgins, Mike Higgins, Adam 3 4.82
72 Martinez, Steve Hicks, Johnny  0  0
73 Frazier, Matt  Souza, Anthony  0  0
74 Harper, Hilliary Harper, Justin  0  0
75 Dickman, Ken Frietas, Rod  0  0
Jr.s Angler Weight BF     Award
1 Murdoc, Mcginnis 17.45 4.3 $100
2 Ludwig, Ian 9.78 3.3 $75
3 Stewart, Ian 5.32 $50
4 Ly, Conner 0
5 Ly, Jubei 0
6 Higgins, Gabe 0        
Kids Angler Weight BF Award    
1 Diacon, Lucas 12.83 3.09 $50    
2 Merril, Brayden 8.57 2.89 $30    
3 Caddick, Maddison 5.13 $20    
4 Ly, Violet 3.73 2.09    
5 Ly, Iris    


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Chris Jimenez and Alex Savnik took 16th place with a 16.84 pound bag




JJ "Dynomite" Golobe and dad Jerry took 29th place with a 15.53 pound limit



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Madison "Maddie" Caddick fished with her dad Mike, and took 3rd place in the River2Sea Youth Angler's League

"Kids" division with 5.13 pounds! They finished 53rd overall as a team with a 12.24 pound limit.




All the way from Half Moon Bay!...John and son Justin Cunnigham finished 6th overall taking home $1,000 cash!




John Garrett with two fish that help he and partner Tony Vaughn capture 4th place and $1,300 in take home pay!





High-School Varsity coach and avid angler Tony "Mister T" Vaughn, with two fish that help the cause! 





And of course...the event being dubbed the Napa Valley Challenge...one of the spoils of war - for the winners, was a nice bottle of Vino!